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Interested in carrying Kreyòl Essence in your stores or at your salon?

We'd love to talk!

To get the process started, please fill out our brief Wholesale Inquiry Form.

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Request Kreyol Essence!

Love Kreyòl Essence but can’t find your favorite product in your local store?

Ask the “Health & Beauty Buyer” or Store Owner to bring it in! Sometimes all it takes is for them to hear from a customer. Please Download our Product Request Form below, fill out your information, and submit it to your local retailer next time you are at your local beauty supply store, natural food market, salon or spa! We hope to be on the shelves of your preferred local store soon.

Download our Product Request Form


Pompano Beach, FL

Longwood, FL

Atlanta, GA

Reynoldsburg, OH


Brooklyn, NY

Ithaca, NY

Brooklyn. NY

Chesapeake, VA




Marriott, 147 Ave Jean-Paul II, Port-au-Prince 6113, Haiti

Carribean Super Market51, rue Métellus Pétion-Ville

Janet Beauty Supply, 3, rue Chavannes, Pétion-Ville

Compas Market - Sainte Therese 34, rue Panaméricaine Pétion-Ville

Espace Sante et Beaute, 66, de la rue Lambert a Pétion-Ville

NoveltexAngle des rues Chavannes et Clerveaux Pétion-Ville

Extra Supermarché 38, rue Villate Pétion-Ville








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