Posted on by Jonathan Paul

Four successful, growth-oriented women entrepreneurs with big plans and social missions have just received catalytic capital to spur them along

RSF Social Finance recently invested over $900,000 in four women-led enterprises that are creating opportunities for women and girls around the world. The investments, in the form of loans and grants, bring the total amount disbursed from RSF’s recently formed Women’s Capital Collaborative to more than $1 million.

With the funding from S.F.-based RSF Social Finance, a mission-based lender and impact innovator, these companies can grow without compromising their social missions, as often happens when social enterprises use traditional funding sources. The goal of the Women’s Capital Collaborative, a gift-money fund, is to provide diverse forms of catalytic capital to women social entrepreneurs at critical moments. The leading contributors to the fund are women who want to drive deep social impact and level the playing field for women entrepreneurs.

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